Monday, May 21, 2012

Ceramic Tile Coasters

Get some Ceramic Tiles (they aren't expensive) 
  • Mod Podge
  • Clear Acrylic High Gloss Coating Spray
  • and paint in a tone similar to tile (for rough backside)
  • You can use photos but I will probably use scrap booking paper with patterns because I know I won't get everyone to bring photos
Trim your photo to the size of the tile but maybe a bit smaller than it.
Apply mod podge to the photo or paper and put it on the tile and let it dry completely. (10-15)
Put another coat on top of the photo or paper and make sure it's even or the lines will show. (15-20)
You should do 3 layers of mod podge allowing each layer to dry before the next.
Then you can spray it with the Acrylic coating spray, that way it's waterproof and can stand wet glasses to sit on it.  You should do 5 layers, also letting each dry before the next.
Then but a piece of felt or some kind of fabric on the back side. Coaster!

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